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Fast & Reliable 
Real-Time Data

Through live and historical dashboards, we present all inbound data; from frequent users to clinical data. This enables better resource planning and population health management. 


Fast & Intelligent 

Every patient is triaged using our medical AI triage technology that recognises a variety of medical symptoms and conditions. The system’s urgency detection and differential diagnosis provide effective clinical decision support.


Through more efficient workflows, both time and resources are optimised when initial contact is made via the MEDIK.AI app. MEDIK.AI cuts care costs by optimising workflows and reducing patient waiting times.

Real-Time Analytics

Clinicians have a clearer view of a patients complete health, with the addition of recognised third party data, improving the efficency and success of preventative care.


Understand Your
Patients Better

Clinicians have a clearer view of a patients complete health, with the addition of recognised third party data, improving the efficency and success of preventative care.

Why us, Why now?





What if someone you loved was wrongly diagnosed due to restricted healthcare resources and an increasing demand for primary care?

Pressures within primary care can be felt throughout the sector, from the patients who can’t access basic healthcare services, Doctors and GP’s who don’t have the correct digital tools to maximise patient potential and larger organisations such as the PHA who need solutions to unlock the true potential of the primary care sector and public health.

We want to create a solution that addresses not some but all of these inefficiencies within Primary Care, and this is where MEDIK.AI comes in.


We want to introduce: 


  • Digital triage as an initial contact method with your GP

  • A patient portal to enhance patient experience 

  • AI analysis of key symptoms to help prevent more serious conditions developing

  • Preventative health notifications, to increase regular testing for hereditary conditions and regular health screenings, empowering the user to understand their health status better.


The addition of cutting edge medical AI automatically recognises symptoms and conditions based on extensive research databases created by clinicians for clinicians.


Our AI recognises a wide range of typical triage issues from mental health to complex paediatric conditions.


Once triage is complete, and prior to clinical review our AI offers guidance and advice on aspects that may be overlooked during a short phone call to GP reception.

Improve productivity and remove unnecessary cost

 MEDIK.AI cuts care costs by optimising workflows and reducing patient waiting times.

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